On Friday September 25, 2020 at 11:45 am, the Burlington Sunrise Rotary Club will host a special videoconference meeting featuring a talk by Rear Admiral Douglas Perry.  All are welcome!  Mark your calendars and check this space for updated details of the meeting info. 
RADM Perry will speak at a special time on Friday 9/25 at 11:45 am at the Burlington Sunrise Rotary Club. He is stationed on the west coast so the club is having a later meeting than usual. All Rotarians are cordially invited to participate. 
The presentation RADM Perry is going to give is called "The Navy the Nation Needs."  The brief starts with a short history of the genesis of the Navy, an overview of current operations, the business case for a strong Navy to communities like Burlington, the challenges facing the service, as well as the ways the Navy is adapting to meet those challenges. We also ask our flag officers to incorporate their own personal story, how they came to be a Navy Admiral, and have them touch on the importance of organizational leadership and service.
RADM Perry has a special connection to Vermont.  He was not raised in Vermont, he grew up in a Navy family moving around, but has family in Burlington and considers Vermont home.  His father served in the state Legislature and served on the USS Vermont Commissioning committee recently.  Here is a link to a 2012 article about his family: https://www.mynbc5.com/article/vt-family-celebrates-tradition-of-navy-service-1/3303172.