The Rotary Clubs of Bristol, Lincoln-Woodstock, North Conway, Ossipee, Plymouth, and White Mountains invite you to join with us to brighten up our area’s most scenic highways, byways, and trailheads. The more volunteers we attract, the more impact we will have. We are looking for support from individuals, other service clubs and organizations, chambers of commerce, school groups, churches, municipalities, area businesses, and anyone who would like to join us as we Clean Up New Hampshire.
If you are unable to commit your body to a day of labor, we are happy to discuss other ways you can support our efforts such as in-kind or monetary donations. Our goal is to make these projects sustainable and far reaching for the benefit of residents and visitors alike, thanks to the support of everyone who cares about our communities! Also, working outdoors, COVID-19 safety protocols will be more easily enforced.
Our first undertaking is the Kancamagus Clean-Up Project. The date is Saturday, June 5th, from 9am to 3pm. We will have teams starting at the Kancamagus Highway height of land working their way downhill toward the towns of Lincoln and Conway, picking up trash along the highway in the rest areas, pull offs, and trailheads. We will be organized by teams and given zones within which to work. We will supply all that you need as well as a continental breakfast to get you started and lunch to keep you going. Our goal is to engage up to 150 Kancamagus Clean-Up participants!
Anticipating that our Kancamagus Clean-Up efforts will be successful, we are already planning for a Pinkham Notch Clean-Up Project on July 24, 2021, and at least two more before the snow flies!
Please join our Rotary Community Clean-Up project. To participate, contact our Volunteer Coordination Committee Chair:
Thank you very much for your consideration in joining our efforts. We look forward to working with you as we Clean Up New Hampshire!
photo credit: Town of Lincoln, NH