Robert Young, pictured on the left with Angelica from RSVP, has been relentless in his desire to make sure his community is safe. Here is what he (and the North Conway Club) have accomplished so far which represents 40,000 mask donations! 

- Sau 9 (Kennett HS, Kennett M.S., Pine tree El, Conway El, John Fuller El., Bartlett and Jackson schools).
- Sau 13 (Madison Elementary and Kenneth A. Brett)
- SAU 20 (Gorham Middle/High school and Edward Finn elementary)
- Sau 49 (Governor Wentworth/Ossipee schools)
- Pope Memorial Library
- Conway Public Library
- N.E. Woodlands Charter School
- Robert Frost Charter School

Robert and Rebecca Bushee of Robert Frost Charter School
- Way-station
- Bartlett Rec. Center
- Conway Rec. Center
- North Conway Rec. Center
- Conway Town Offices
- Center Conway Fire Dept.
- North Conway Fire Dept.
- Children Unlimited
- Gibson Center
- Vaughan Child care center

Good publicity for this outstanding community service!