Is your Club ready to submit a District or Global Grant this year? As you may recall, step one in the process is to get certified by having someone from your club attend a Grants Training Seminar.
Get ready!
Once that training has been completed your club can move on to submitting a grant, like the one submitted by the Rotary Clubs of Bristol, Plymouth, Lincoln-Woodstock, and Littleton who banded together to help fund The Mayhew Program’s solar array project, offsetting thousands of dollars in electricity expense and allowing those dollars to go directly to helping the boys who participate in this great program.
The next training seminar will be held on Zoom, Saturday, January 22nd at 8:30 am. The final training will take place on Saturday, March 19th. To register for this training, go to our website at https://www.rotary7850.org/50051/Page/ShowSitePage?ClassCode=SitePage&Slug=district-foundation-grants
Here are some upcoming Zoom workshops to look forward to in February.
RYLA Orientation for Club Recruiters. This workshop will provide information to your club’s RYLA recruiter about the event being held on June 24-26 at Northern Vermont University in Lyndon, VT, to help with reaching out to prospective participants.
Increasing Your Club’s Social Media Impact. This workshop will focus on how to create more compelling photos and content for your website, Facebook page, and other social media.
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And, speaking of our Foundation, once again our Zone is putting on a Gala Celebration in support of The Rotary Foundation on our organization’s birthday, February 23, 2022. Check out the website for more information and how to register.