Have you been asked to lead a committee next year or, as an existing committee chair, would you like expand your knowledge and add to your leadership skills? Will you be entering the office of President, Secretary, or Treasurer, or continuing in service and are looking to up your game? Are you wanting to know more about how you can serve your club and what is involved in taking on these various leadership roles? If your answer to any of the above is Yes, Maybe, or even Not Sure, then do we have an opportunity for you!
District Virtual Spring Training (register here) will be held on Saturday, April 23rd from 9-10:30 am. The morning is being planned to provide important training for your club’s entire Leadership Team and club members who want to know more about leadership opportunities in their club. Here’s what you need to know.
The morning will begin 9 am (Zoom opens at 8:45 am for fellowship) with a brief introductory plenary session and then attendees will have an opportunity to enter breakout rooms designed to provide more information and open discussion on a particular role or responsibility within your club.
Prior to April 23rd, we want to encourage attendees to go to the Learning Center and explore the material related to their area of interest. This will lead to more lively and informed conversation in the breakouts. If you don’t have an account in MyRotary, please take a moment to set one up by following these simple instructions. Click here.
Roles and Responsibilities and links are provided below.*
Club President/President-elect https://learn.rotary.org/members/learn/learning_plan/view/2/club-president-basics
Foundation Committee https://learn.rotary.org/members/learn/learning_plan/view/10/club-rotary-foundation-committe
Membership Committee https://learn.rotary.org/members/learn/learning_plan/view/8/club-membership-committee-basics
Public Image Committee https://learn.rotary.org/members/learn/learning_plan/view/5/club-public-image-committee-basics
Club Service Projects Committee https://learn.rotary.org/members/learn/learning_plan/view/11/club-service-projects-committee-basics.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee Come learn about how to start a DEI Committee in your Club.
*Note: Links work more reliably if you log in to the Rotary Learning Center first and THEN click the link.