Our now Past District Governor, Jamie Milne, certainly showed us how to maneuver through the choppy waters of a global pandemic last year to remain a vibrant and innovative District that didn’t skip a beat in “Doing Good in the World.” During the June 24th President’s Celebration/Changeover on Zoom, Jamie, along with several Club Presidents, shared highlights of the year and how many of our clubs discovered new and exciting opportunities for service, grew membership, took advantage of virtual platforms to host speakers from around the world, revamped fundraisers, and most importantly continued to stay connected and care for one another.
As we turn the page on a new Rotary Year, this Newsletter represents our continued commitment to keep information flowing to and between clubs that we hope will lead to a higher degree of member engagement, collaboration on projects and events, building our leadership capacity, and addressing the questions and concerns that may arise during the year as we Serve to Change Lives.
To a great degree the success of this endeavor will depend on individuals and clubs sharing with us what is happening in the communities you serve and any plans you have that could be enhanced through District-wide communication. Please make use of the Upcoming Events/Calendar on the website as well as the section for Club News and Updates to keep us all informed about special events and all the ways your club is actively making a difference in the lives of others.
Even though it may take us all a while to find our way out of the disruption, difficulty and loss the pandemic has caused over the last year and a half, I am looking ahead with renewed hope and enthusiasm for all that lies ahead, that we can’t even imagine today. We have shown just how resilient, adaptable, creative, and resourceful we can be as “Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”
Let’s keep Serving to Change Lives!
DG Mike