As I write this, I have just come off a two-day, three club visit where at each meeting new members were being inducted. When this happens in a club meeting, the energy level goes up, for sure. It means more hands-on-deck, it means new energy and life, it means more talent and passion for “Doing Good in the World!” So, how are we doing overall?

PDG Tom Gump reminded us in his plenary presentation during our Virtual Spring Training event on April 23rd that, if we want to grow our clubs and District, we need to pay attention to these three key areas: 1) Attracting new people-Each One, Bring One; 2) Engagement/Retention of current members, and 3) Starting new clubs.
However, since many of our clubs have been adding members during this year, the area I want to lift up as an ongoing challenge for us is Engagement/Retention. Let’s work hard to keep our current members feeling like they are a vital part of our clubs, that we need their energy, passion, and commitment, and that we care about them and all that they bring to enrich our Rotary experience.
When we get to June 30th, let’s celebrate that our gains this year have far exceeded the need to remove some individuals from our rolls and that District 7850 is in a far stronger position to Serve to Change Lives!
DG Mike
PS: Since this is Youth Service month, I’ve got to share two quick stories from one of our Interact Clubs.

The Lincoln Woodstock Interact Club built a steel Freestyle Rail) for the Kanc-rec Ski area this past winter. The club sought out donated supplies and with just 250.00 in costs was able to produce a freestyle rail that would have cost several thousand dollars commercially. This rail was used this year for the first annual "Rail Jam" and will be used for years to come! Our president, Andrew Wilson, oversaw the project and actually did the welding!

Also, this winter the Lincoln Woodstock Interact Club started a "Sled Borrowing Station” at the Linwood school. In front of the school there is a small hill that is used by locals and tourists alike and this year we purchased 8 Sleds and put them in a rack out front called, "Sled at Your own Risk". At the end of the year two of the sleds were damaged but they were replaced by three more! We are ready to put them out for next year.