On Monday, September 27th, DG Mike dropped in on the Lancaster Rotary Club because PDG Larry Vars invited him to participate in an in-meeting service project and Mike wanted to share this idea throughout the District. It was a perfect project heading into Thanksgiving (all the fixings for turkey noodle soup) and would be easy to duplicate! For anyone who has taken part in a Rise Against Hunger meal-packing experience, this was set up just like that. Here’s the scoop.
Here is a description of this project by PDG Larry Vars:
This service project is a hybrid between Rise Against Hunger and Kiki Leach’s Wet Shoes Program.
The recipe was taken from a lesson on Soup, where the students made a soup mix to use after Thanksgiving. The students made one for home and one for a local food bank.
During my Governor year, I wanted to encourage in-meeting type projects, and this fit the bill. Lancaster has a town project, Homeward Bound, that will deliver food for Thanksgiving to the surrounding families in need.
We target filling 300 soup bags to donate to Homeward Bound and follow the example of how Rise Against Hunger fills their meal packets. A member has one ingredient to add to the soup bag. The bag is then sealed and labeled with the recipe.
Each soup bag contains noodles, spices, and bouillon. All that is needed is some turkey and water to complete this soup meal.
This is a great way to support local communities and have many members helping to make it happen.
If you have questions or want more information about how to bring this project to your community, please contact PDG Larry Vars at Larryvrotary@gmail.com
Here is the finished product!