One of our District’s most successful youth leadership training opportunities is RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Academy). Last year, COVID caused us to “pivot” to a virtual event which was very successful. However, this year we are planning for an in-person RYLA at Northern Vermont University in Lyndon, VT, June 24-26, 2022.
To assist clubs in their efforts to recruit high school students completing their sophomore year, we are having an evening Zoom event to help your club representative(s)/recruiter(s) to have all the information needed to share with students as well as hear about successful recruiting efforts in the past by our clubs.
This RYLA Informational Zoom meeting will be held on Thursday, February 17th at 7 pm. A link will be sent out to all Club Presidents and any RYLA Recruiters that clubs have identified a week before this event. Please be in touch with DG Mike (RotaryRocks2021@gmail.com) or our RYLA Registrar, Bob Broadhurst (reb845@yahoo.com), if you have any questions.

Our second training opportunity is a Public Image Workshop focusing on: Creating Interesting and Engaging Photographs for your media platforms. What do you think of the photograph of the RYLArians above? Come learn how to take more effective pictures, and then how to upload and use them effectively on your website, Facebook, Instagram, etc. This Zoom Workshop will be held in March. Stay tuned for further information!