World Polio Day is celebrated on October 24 and Rotarians across the globe take action to raise awareness, funds, and support to eradicate polio, a vaccine-preventable disease that still threatens children in some parts of the world.
In 1988 the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) was launched by Rotary International, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Childrens Fund, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. At that time, there were over 350,000 cases of polio in 125 countries each year. The number of polio cases has been reduced by 99.9 percent since then.
Clubs all over the world conduct a wide variety of events including vaccination clinics, online viewing of Rotary’s World Polio Day Global Online Update, “Pints for Polio” events at local restaurants and bars, news conference, information tables, concerts, and many, many other events. How has your club supported World Polio Day? District Governor Mike Carrier asked that question here in District 7850 and we received a wide variety of responses Puzzles for Polio!
I had proposed the idea of a simple puzzle swap (bring a puzzle, take a puzzle kind of thing) to the group and members were into it. We then realized that we could simultaneously ask for suggested donations to go to the fund and almost as importantly... that there was an opportunity for alliteration!
We are hosting a "Puzzles for Polio" event at the Space on Main on Sunday, October 24th with a suggested donation that will go towards PolioPlus!
Erin Wetherell
After a “COVID Hiatus”, the Montpelier club is excited to resume our “lunchtime table event” downtown on Monday, 10/25. We share information on vaccines and Rotary’s role in continued efforts to eradicate Polio. Fall treats help draw in crowds and donations. Attached is a photo from our 2019 event.
To promote Rotary's involvement in the eradication of Polio, the W/R club is preparing an article to be published in our local paper. The article will include the history of Rotary's involvement with Polio Plus, current status of Polio around the world and ways that our community may support our rotary Club's efforts. Hopeful you receive this in time for the next 7850 newsletter. Have a great day! Lesley
How Can I Help Eradicate Polio?
Did you know that your donation to the Rotary Foundation, earmarked for the Polio Fund, counts toward recognition as a Paul Harris Fellow? Rotarians can donate to End Polio Now online at
Every dollar donated through End Polio Now will be matched by two dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, tripling your financial impact!
Notable Survivor of Polio: Mary Berry; chef and judge on the Great British Bake Off. She was stricken with polio at age 13 and placed in an isolation room for a month. The disease left her with a curvature to her spine and a misshapen left hand.
Rotary World Polio Day 2021 Sample Press Release